Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ontario Adoption Disclosure Laws Change Tomorrow

The change a day can make!

Tomorrow when we wake up it all changes. Tomorrow in Ontario, Canada the adoption laws that were set in place so many years ago will be forever altered and along with it the lives of many people. I for one have been on this journey for 37 years, 5 months, 13 days, give or take about nine months. Tomorrow the Ontario law that has kept adoptee and birthmother seperated will be no more. The Ontario government is amending that law. After the passing of Bill 183 in 2005, on Monday September 17, 2007 application for adult adoptees and birth parents to apply for information in original birth registrations and adoption orders will be in place. The government web site is the place to go to take the next step in your own personal journey in adoption reunion. Tomorrow the forms are to be posted. Tomorrow it all changes.

I have started this site as a way to document the change a day can make. For me it is not about reunion because reunion is only one small step in the journey. I was reunited with my wonderful birthson two years ago and we are enjoying a relationship. The change in this law does not guarentee or even hint at a relationship. I am one of the fortunate ones. Still, somehow tomorrow marks a change for me. I will apply along with the hundreds of hopefuls for the last piece of the puzzle. The piece I personally cannot remember. It is that paper work seems to have vanished from the memory. Perhaps that paper work was too painful to even remember. Funny, the labour pains, the smile of my beautiful baby boy, the painful act of saying goodbye are imbedded in my mind, but the paper work has vanished. Tomorrow is the day that will change all that.


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